Monday, November 30, 2015


By Joster Mwangulumbi
Sitaki umbea wala kuumbua watu. Miaka yote zikifanyika sherehe za Uhuru na nyinginezo, wasomi, wanasiasa na wananchi wa kawaida wamekuwa wakisifu maandalizi yake na kwamba zimefana. Hawakosoi.

Leo watu haohao wanamsifu Rais John Magufuli kwa kufuta baadhi ya sherehe hizo. Magazeti yanasifia tu. Fungua gazeti lolote huwezi kukosa vichwa: “Kasi ya Magufuli yatanda kila kona;” “Magufuli usipime;” “Magufuli atisha;” “Magufuli…” Hivi amefanya nini kipya, kufuta safari za nje? Je, amefuta safari au hali ya fedha inamlazimisha aangalie maeneo fulani ya kipaumbele?

Mtangulizi wake, Jakaya Kikwete alikuwa anajisifu, Magufuli anatenda ili wengine wamsifu. Ndiyo maana mara anatangaza kufuta ziara na sherehe, mara kavamia Hazina, Muhimbili, mara mikutano serikalini kufanyika kwa video, mara hakuna kuchapisha kadi kwa fedha za Serikali, mara amewamwaga vigogo TRA. Kesho yake magazeti yanampamba na kumjenga.

Ole wao watangulizi wake wadai kwamba anawaumbua! Ole wao CCM walalamikie kasi yake! Magufuli anajua watakaomnyoshea kidole watakumbana na nguvu ya umma.

Magufuli anajua alipata upinzani mkali wakati wa kampeni kwa sababu wapinzani kwa muda mrefu walijijenga kwa wananchi kwa kaulimbiu ya nguvu ya umma.

Katikati ya kampeni aliiga mbinu za wapinzani na hata kukarabati sera za CCM kuvunja zilizokuwa zinanadiwa na wapinzani. Sasa anatekeleza.

Hebu tazama suala la sherehe. Wapinzani walipojinadi mwaka 2010 na mwaka huu wakiingia madarakani watafuta baadhi ya safari za nje na sherehe halafu watauweka Mwenge wa Uhuru katika makumbusho ya Taifa, Rais mstaafu Benjamin Mkapa aliwashambulia kwa maneno makali. Hata wasomi wenye mrengo wa CCM waliwaona wapinzani watu wa ajabu sana.

Leo wasomi walewale waliokosoa mkakati wa wapinzani (CUF, Chadema, NCCR - Mageuzi) wa kufuta sherehe za kitaifa, ndiyo wanaompongeza Magufuli kwa anachokifanya. Sipati picha Mkapa anajisikiaje anapoona “mtoto wao mpendwa” anatekeleza sera aliyoilaani.

Kasi ya Magufuli imesababisha wasaidizi wa wilayani wanaumiza watu. Novemba mwaka jana akiwa Kamanda wa Uhamasishaji wa UVCCM, Paul Makonda anadaiwa ‘kumlamba za uso’ aliyekuwa Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba, Jaji mstaafu, Joseph Warioba. Waliolaani utovu ule wa nidhamu ni wapinzani na wanaharakati tu.Mapema mwaka huu akateuliwa Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Kinondoni. Wiki hii akatangaza kuwasweka mahabusu kwa saa sita maofisa ardhi 20 wa manispaa hiyo kwa kuchelewa kuwasili katika ziara ya kutatua migogoro ya ardhi katika manispaa hiyo.

“Hii haikubaliki hata kidogo. Mimi niliwasili kwa wakati, Ofisa Tawala wa Wilaya (Das) aliwasili kwa wakati na hata Kamanda wa Polisi wa Mkoa wa Kinondoni aliwasili kwa wakati. “Tulilazimika kuwasubiri (maofisa ardhi) kwa saa tatu nzima hadi saa tano asubuhi kwa sababu bila wao hakuna kitu ambacho kingefanyika,” alisema.

Makonda alidai baada ya kubaini muda uliosalia usingetosha kufanya ziara hiyo, alilazimika kuiahirisha na kuamuru kukamatwa maofisa hao kwa kile alichodai kosa la dharau na kukosa heshima kwake akiwa kiongozi. Alisema uamuzi huo aliufanya ndani ya sheria kama Mwenyekiti wa baraza la ulinzi na usalama la wilaya hiyo.

Hivi kitendo cha Makonda kutangaza ‘kulostisha’ maofisa ardhi kwa saa sita mahabusu kwa kuchelewa ndiyo njia ya kuchochea kasi ya uimarishaji utumishi wa umma au ndiyo utekelezaji wa kaulimbiu ya “Hapa Kazi Tu ya Magufuli?” Je, Makonda ni mamlaka ya nidhamu?

Baadhi wamefurahia hatua hiyo, lakini nadhani Magufuli hatafurahi kiongozi kutumia vibaya madaraka. Kama ni mchapakazi kwa nini hali imefikia hapo? Si anastahili kuadhibiwa kama Kikwete alivyofanya.

Februari 2009, aliyekuwa mkuu wa wilaya ya Bukoba, Albert Mnali aliamuru walimu 32 wachapwe viboko kwa madai walisababisha wanafunzi kufeli katika shule za msingi zilizoko Bukoba Vijijini. Alifukuzwa kazi; siku hizi ni Mwenyekiti wa CCM Wilaya ya Nachingwea. Aprili 2010, Sungusungu wa Shinyanga wakaamua kuwacharaza bakora walimu wanne akiwamo mwalimu mmoja mwanamke ambaye alikuwa ni mjamzito kwa kosa la kuchelewa kwenye kikao cha walimu na wazazi. Sungusungu hao nao walishughulikiwa. Vipi Makonda?

Haya Polisi wa Mwanza, wanahangaika kuzuia kuagwa maiti. Wameacha kazi ya kulinda amani na usalama wanazuia watu wasikusanyike kuaga maiti ya mpendwa wao aliyeuawa kwa kuchinjwa na watu wanaodaiwa kuwa makada wa CCM. Mwanasheria wa Serikali anajitokeza kudai eti marehemu Alphonce Mawazo asiagwe Mwanza kwa vile si kwao. Kweli Serikali inathubutu kutoa madai ya kibaguzi kama haya? Wanaodhani wanamridhisha Magufuli wataumbuka. Tusubiri.


He’s been office for all of three weeks and already Magufuli has earned a reputation for rocking the boat, with his no-bullshit attitude and corruption-busting plan of action.

Sure he’s the son of a farmer, but this guy’s far from simple; his first real job was a school teacher, thereafter he educated himself as an industrial chemist and eventually became Tanzania’s minister of public works. The latter position saw Magufuli tackle some of the country’s largest construction projects without even a whisper of corruption or maladministration. In fact, he’s well-known for being a-corrupt, seriously.

So what is it that makes John Magufuli so great? Well, unlike so many of his counterparts, he’s relentless in his assault on corruption, laziness, and overspending; something that no doubt has already made him very unpopular among his own political comrades as well as leaders like Zuma and Mugabe. Let’s face it; the man makes almost every other leader look like a thief.

Three weeks in office and we’ve already got at least 10 major changes to report, imagine what the man can get done in five years.

Have a look at some of this legend’s highlights so far:

He cancelled Independence Day celebrations, saying that it’s “shameful” to celebrate while people are dying of cholera. Instead, the money that would have been used has now been set aside for street and public area cleaning.

After visiting the Muhimbili Hospital for the first time and seeing the dire state of affairs, the president ordered that more than 200 million Shillings earmarked for parliamentary parties be used to upgrade the hospital facilities. Less than a week later the hospital had 300 extra beds. He then fired the entire hospital board and had broken equipment repaired.

Magufuli cut his inauguration party budget from $100 000 to just $7 000 and gave the difference to the very same hospital mentioned above.

In his first week he ordered a ban on all international travel by government officials; adding that they need to focus on the rural areas of Tanzania and the poor, while commissioners and ambassadors who are already overseas can fulfil any foreign obligations.

All first and business class flights are off limits for government officials; except the president, vice president and prime minister.

Government workshops will no longer be held at hotels and function halls. Instead, they will be held at government-owned chambers so as to use what has already been paid for.

He fired Tanzania’s chief of revenue after 350 containers listed in his books disappeared from Dar es Salaam harbour. The prime minister is currently heading up that investigation.

He appointed the country’s very first female vice president.

When he had to travel 600km from Dar to Dodoma to open parliament; he chose to drive himself rather than have government organise a jet.

Magufuli went on record in the national assembly saying that, now that he’s president “it will not be business as usual.”

Pretty f*cking cool right? Well, here’s one more thing you might like to know about “The Bulldozer;” yeah, that’s what they’re calling him.

His tagline for his presidential campaign was “Work, nothing else.”


Face book name;Elaija Elia
Instagra;Elaija Elia







Last weekend they were opening parli...ament and there was a state dinner planned for all guests that was going to cost about 300m. President Magufuli cut the budget to 25m and ordered that the rest be taken to buy hospital beds for Muhimbili they got 300 beds and mattresses and 600 bed sheets from that money.
On 23rd Nov 2015 he announced that there will be no official ceremonies for Independence Day on 9th December, the money is to be used for more pressing issues and the day should instead be spent cleaning up our environment.
On Saturday 21st nov 2015 a group of 50 people were about to set off for a tour of commonwealth countries (don’t know for what) but President Magulufi cut that list down to 4 people, saving government 600m in tickets, accommodation and per diems
No more foreign travel, embassies will take care; if it’s necessary to go, special permission must be sought from him or Chief Secretary
No more 1st class and business class travel for all officials except President, Vice, and Prime Minister.
No more workshops and seminars in expensive hotels when their so many ministry board rooms available.
President Magulufi asked how come engineers are given V8s when a pick-up is more suitable for their jobs.
No more sitting allowances, how the hell are you paid allowance for a job which you have a monthly salary; that also applies to MP’s.
President Magulufi has literally pressed the reset button; returning Tanzania to default factory settings, because that was the TZ Nyerere left us with.
On the day after he was brought to power, in the morning as State House officials were showing him round he decided to take a walk to ministry of finance, told them to get their act together, asked why some employees weren’t in office (ever since then the traffic jam in mornings has become worse) and ordered TRA to scrap all tax exemptions, everyone must pay taxes especially the big guys
President Magulufi went to Muhimbili Hospital unannounced and walked thru the worst parts that they keep hiding from important visitors he fired the director, fired the hospital board and ordered that all machines that weren’t working (so that people go to private hospitals owned by some doctors) to be repaired within 2 weeks otherwise he fires even the new director; the machines were repaired in 3 days
Finally, last week when going to officially open parliament President Magulufi didn’t go by plane, drove the whole 600km from Dar to Dodoma.
President Magulufi has reduced the size of the presidential convoy, even reduced the size of presidential delegation that travels with him
President Magulufi chose a Prime Minister we haven’t heard of before, a guy with reputation for hard work and no corruption all the big guys we expected could be PM have been let wondering what hit them.
His motto is: Hapa Kazi Tu = "HERE, ALL WE DO IS WORK/ SERVE!"
After President Magulufi visited Ministry of finance and Muhimbii Hospital without announcing it is said the port (most corrupt, delaying, thieving officials) were all of a sudden the most efficient place. No loads are missing, things are done quickly and that habit of forcing for a bribe so that your container is released is no more.
Oh, they say when he was confirmed as winner people started congratulating him and wanting to bring gifts to his place he turned them back, saying he will receive all congrats over the phone, nobody should visit him.
All individuals/firms that bought state companies that were privatized but haven’t done anything (20yrs later) are to either revive the industries immediately or hand them back to the government